mercoledì 25 febbraio 2009

ParserLog adatto per Kaspersky-Tool e Dr.Web CureIt

Il Parser per log è un utilissimo strumento per scremare in estrema facilità log immensi dai contenuti inutili, rendendoli allo stesso tempo più semplici da interpretare e più leggeri.
Un esempio di log molto pesanti sono quelli prodotti da Dr.Web CureIT e Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

Quest’ultima versione possiede una ridotta interatività tramite schermata dos dove bisogna solo dar conferma ad una semplice domanda riguardante la posizione del log, il log rimarrà nel pc e ne verrà creato un secondo log di dimensioni inferiori che dovrà poi essere inviato manualmente su uno dei server di hosting gratuito.

Attualmente il programma supporta solamente il parsing dei log di kaspersky e drweb cureit; altri programmi saranno aggiunti in seguito.


Ultimo aggiornamento del programma: 19/02/2009

Guida all’uso:
Per il tool Dr.Web CureIT
* estrai il contenuto del file zippato in una directory creata appositamente
* metti il log di Dr.Web CureIT nella stessa directory in cui è presente il file "x log cureit.bat"
* rinomina il log di Dr.Web CureIT in cureit.txt
* esegui il file "x log cureit.bat" e leggi le indicazioni a video
* poi carica il log "cureit filtrato.txt" che verrà generato in automatico su qualche server di hosting gratuito (es , , )
* pubblica nel forum il link al download di tale log

Per il tool Kasperky Removal Tool:
* estrai il contenuto del file zippato in una directory creata appositamente
* metti il log di Kasperky Removal Tool nella stessa directory in cui è presente il file "x log cureit.bat"
* rinomina il log di kaspersky in kasp.txt
* esegui il file "x log kasp.bat" e leggi le indicazioni a video
* poi carica il log "cureit filtrato.txt" che verrà generato in automatico su qualche server di hosting gratuito (es , , )
* pubblica nel forum il link al download di tale log

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domenica 22 febbraio 2009

OnlineArmor in Italiano - Release e Beta (17/02/2009)

RELEASE v3.0.0.190 rilasciata il: 08/10/2008

versione free -> Download

versione a pagamento (no antivirus) -> Download

guida all’uso -> Guida per OnlineArmor v3

Importante: chi avesse intenzione di eseguire l’upgrade dalla versione 2.0.x.x deve disinstallare prima l’attuale versione (può eseguire il backup delle impostazioni e regole) e poi installare le versione della famiglia 3.0.0.X e successivamente potrà importare il backup delle regole e impostazioni che aveva esportato.

BETA v3.1.0.26 rilasciata il: 17/02/2009
inauguriamo il nuovo spazio disco:

versione free -> Download

versione a pagamento (no antivirus) -> Download

versione a pagamento (suite) -> Download

ChangeLog dalla beta v3.1.0.0 fino alla v3.1.0.26 :
This build includes the following changes:
931 Resolved (Fixed) Inconsistent use of lower and upper case letters
928 Resolved (Fixed) Upper case letters instead of lower case in General->Firewall description
922 Resolved (Fixed) Service crash after restarting (hopefully fixed)
921 Resolved (Implemented) OAsrv and OAui optimization for CPU usage and pagefaults
920 Resolved (Fixed) Grey line across the top of Autoruns and IE Add-Ons tabs
919 Resolved (Fixed) Checkbox text is cut off in firewall status window
905 Resolved (Fixed) 800x600 resolution GUI issues
900 Resolved (Fixed) Webshield partially blocking content from trusted sites
898 Resolved (Fixed) Tab edge isn't flush against edges of main menu on all pages
894 Resolved (Fixed) Spelling inconsistency with 'behaviour'
890 Resolved (Fixed) http in URL twice
889 Resolved (Fixed) External IP comes up N/A on resume from sleep
888 Resolved (Fixed) Unsortable columns
887 Resolved (Fixed) Some checkboxes have white outlines and don't get an orange glow on mouseover
885 Resolved (Fixed) Some tooltips lack full stops
884 Resolved (Fixed) Import option for Countries/IP's is missing until one is added
883 Resolved (Fixed) About page end copyright date is still on last year
882 Resolved (Fixed) Firewall log window 'Set default font' dialog box wraps question mark to next line
880 Resolved (Fixed) Inconsistency in wording of Program options "RunSafer"
879 Resolved (Fixed) Windows Firewall Doesn't turn on/off in some cases.
875 Resolved (Fixed) Adding to Blacklists crashed Online Armor
877 Resolved (Fixed) Pasting into document causes popup
874 Resolved (Fixed) Stuck on rendering/processing...Please wait page
872 Resolved (Implemented) OA logging version - can we have option for OAwatch to log process and socket information independently
870: Runsafer turns Recommended and Vise Versa
869: AV Scan statistics inconsistency
868: Loss of part of Firewall Status Display after Sleep
addressed, hopefully fixed
863: System scan inconsistencies.
850: Process misidentification after new executable was created
848: Program options cut off and not aligned properly
845: Option to turn logging on before first run/during installation
843 Resolved (Fixed) Notifications about OASIS realtime lookup in free version
839 Resolved (Fixed) Flash object placeholder not the right size
838: Issues with OA 3.1 and Carbonite Backup Service
834 Resolved (Implemented) Optional OASIS balloons
830 Resolved (Fixed) Current session only rules don't work if a rule already exists for the program in question
827 Resolved (Fixed) BITS entries show an empty Site field under "Web Sites"
826 Resolved (Implemented) ActiveX processing needs reworking
815 Resolved (Fixed) OAdriver.sys BSOD
807 Resolved (Fixed) possible bug in "autoruns" rendering (entries showing "???" instead of "Allowed")
806 Resolved (Fixed) External IP lookup is not persistent
804 Resolved (Fixed) Word documents won't open with double click
803 Resolved (Fixed) Close GUI option has gone missing from context menu (This feature never actually was "official". To invoke it one needs to go to Firewall tab, click on Programs grid and then press Ctrl+Alt+S)
802 Resolved (Fixed) Firewall rules column headings obscured when sorting
801 Resolved (Fixed) Auto Leaning Mode window too small
797 Resolved (Fixed) BSOD after login with build 20
796 Resolved (Fixed) File Write Error in build 20
794 Resolved (Fixed) History isn't recording anything
791 Resolved (Implemented) * Don't hide Websites page
790 Resolved (Implemented) * Realtime lookup defaulted to "On"
787 Resolved (Implemented) Switching logging on/off (logging version)
783 Resolved (Implemented) Preventive realtime lookup (disabled by default; find option under Programs > Options)
776 Resolved (Implemented) Public IP
773 Resolved (Fixed) Banking Mode (Learn as well)
772 Resolved (Fixed) Firewall - Restricted Ports
771 Resolved (Fixed) OA programs options page (windows XP)
770 Resolved (Fixed) Add and edit buttons don't work in Hosts
765 Resolved (Fixed) Several problems regarding Host protection
745 Resolved (Responded) Restricted column in Restricted ports gets cut off
738 Resolved (Implemented) Forms scrolling with low screen resolution
732 Resolved (Implemented) Proxy support during activation
731 Resolved (Fixed) Word missing from Direct Disk Access sentence
726 Resolved (Fixed) Executables run without asking after SCW "trust all"
725 Resolved (Fixed) Firewall rules not deleted
719 Resolved (Fixed) SCW "Stop" button doesn't work well
714 Resolved (Fixed) SCW hang while processing system files
712 Resolved (Fixed) Exclusions not restored from a backup
710 Resolved (Fixed) "Invalid floating point operation" error in OAMine
709 Resolved (Implemented) Show centrally trusted websites in Web Sites list (when you add a site that's already on the central list, it will now be shown so you can run "Learn" from it)
704 Resolved (Responded) Trust all install optimization
703 Resolved (Fixed) Domain masks are not handled properly
701 Resolved (Fixed) Spelling error in Direct Disk Access popup
691 Resolved (Fixed) Deleted websites reappear and edited sites are added instead of edited
687 Resolved (Fixed) wscntfy.exe blocked - unknown and not trusted
680 Resolved (Fixed) Bug with More button
670 Resolved (Fixed) v3.1.0.10 continuing to get repeated alerts for keylogger that are not remembered
628 Resolved (Fixed) Autorun scroll position not remembers
611 Resolved (Fixed) Invisible text in localised installers
608 Resolved (Fixed) Settings Backup Doesn't
601 Resolved (Fixed) Webshield causes freeze of ESPN FantasyCast
592 Resolved (Fixed) multiple BSODs
580 Resolved (Fixed) Importing 3.1 Sites.sav fails
579 Resolved (Fixed) 100% CPU while importing Sites.sav
577 Resolved (Fixed) 3.1.0 Windows XP firewall doesn't auto-start on OA firewall disable!
563 Resolved oasrv's BSOD upon the uninstallation of Avira Antivir free
562 Resolved Online Armor UI Main Form appears in Running Applications
553 Resolved Automatic update failure displays odd message in History
543 Resolved (Implemented) Add control panel applets to SCW scan
541 Resolved (Fixed) Firewall log viewer filters management problems
497 Resolved (Fixed) 'Show file information' can become hidden and cause GUI to become unresponsive
482 Resolved (Fixed) Traces of OA left after uninstall
477 Resolved (Fixed) Loss of data after BSoD
167 Resolved (Fixed) OA and EMule issues!
Fixed: Advanced Options OK button not visible with widescreen and 800x600 resolution
Fixed: Program Options form is not fully visible with a low resolution
Fixed: Crazy Hint (sometimes a hint doesn't disappear when it should)
Fixed: Double entries on deleting site with 'hide unknown' ticked
Fixed: OA Configuration Window - Web Shield
Fixed: [Translation problem] "using LPC port" again in english
Fixed: OE6 Hangs solid on .15 Send/Receive! Restarts, no cure...
Fixed: Microsoft Office Untrusted
Fixed: Blank sidebar appears in History
Fixed: Registry entries not removed by OA uninstaller
Fixed: "Cannot create thread" issue
Fixed: Installer problem during clean install
Fixed: More remnants of old GUI
Fixed: Autoruns out of order after clean install
New: Web Sites grouping/sorting
Fixed: SCW enters long recursive scan
Fixed: Wildcard character (question mark) not working properly - now adds matching subdomains to Web Sites list
Fixed: Firewall status window 'always on top' causes tooltips to disappear
Fixed: Dr. Web CureIt setup.exe detected as hidden process (FP)
Fixed: Execution popup for msconfig
Fixed: Learning mode marquee text cut off
Fixed: Firewall status display "always on top" gets 'stuck'
Fixed: Activating OA dialog box is blank
Fixed: Blank sidebar appears in History
Fixed: Registry entries not removed by OA uninstaller
Fixed: "Cannot create thread" issue
Fixed: Installer problem during clean install
Fixed: More remnants of old GUI
Fixed: Problem with existing kernel mode hook
Fixed: Garbage in Autoruns and Programs
New: Hooks to prevent leaktest that manipulates security software GUI
New: GUI auto-lock feature - when a password is set, the GUI will be automatically locked when the computer has been idle for 90 seconds
Improved: Uninstaller cleanup
Fixed: Installer not shutting down OA
Improved: Hidden Process Detection (should be fewer FPs)
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